10 reasons why we’re against the sewer sale:

  1. Once it’s gone, it is gone - all the land, infrastructure, all of the upgrades, all of our local control… it’s gone.

  2. Rates will go up with private ownership to pay stockholders. Higher than rate increases by a non-profit. Money that leaves our community.

  3. Selling of a public good worth nearly 30 million dollars demands a public review - it’s our sewer. Most residents are completely unaware of the sale.

  4. Selling a public asset for needed routine maintenance is just bad planning.

  5. Our sewer plant is an example of good civic stewardship with the current and future needs of our community coming first. Money spent stays here.

  6. Corporate rate hikes affect the low and fixed income residents the hardest.

  7. Corporate rates continue to rise, especially as there are fewer plants to buy and take over. Profits then must come from rates.

  8. The sewer plant is part of our community where its employees and board live, work, and volunteer and support local businesses.

  9. If a “quick fix” sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

  10. Residents don’t want the sewer plant sold. They want transparency, facts, and options.

5 ways you can help:

  1. Join COPE (Conshohocken Opposes Privatization Efforts) to get a lawn sign and distribute flyers.

  2. Sign the Food & Water Watch petition.

  3. Talk to your neighbors, walk around your neighborhood to raise awareness, have people come out to our rallies.

  4. Call & write to every councilperson and express your views - ask them how they will vote. Tell them you vote.

  5. Talk about this on social media, including NextDoor and Patch

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Potential sewer sale on agenda for March 17th meeting of Conshohocken’s Borough Council

March 15th - More Than The Curve - Kevin Tierney