Did you know…?

PA Representative Melissa Shusterman, after the sale of the Willistown sewer system and a decision of an Administrative Law Judge finding the sale NOT in the public interest, has called for a moratorium on all sales under Act 12 of 2016 until hearings can be held to understand the unintended impacts of the law. (And you can urge YOUR representative to do the same!)

Did you know…?

The Bucks County Association of Township Officials, pointing out that corporate takeovers of water systems have become an increasing concern in Pennsylvania and unnecessarily add to consumer costs, has publicly opposed the sale of BCWSA.

Did you know…?

In 2017, Aqua PA sued BCWSA for anti-competitive practices, claiming Bucks’ non-profit status gave them an unfair advantage in keeping overhead expenses down. And even WITH those lower rates, Aqua also claimed Bucks was over-charging customers.

Did you know…?

Last April, an Administrative Law Judge ruled that the sale of Willistown’s sewer system to Aqua PA was not in the public interest, but the PUC overruled them and upheld the sale. Are they really there for US?

Did you know…?

It’s often implied that the PUC acts on behalf of consumers, but here is what the Consumer Advocate thinks about Act 12 and “fair market value”.